Game Cookies

September 28, 2007


Filed under: development, math, study — nippysaurus @ 4:00 pm

When objects are represented on a computer screen they are stored in memory as a whole lot of points which are joined up and manipulated (mathematically) such that they make pretty pictures. Each point in this imaginary space is called a point, and a line joining two points is called a vector. As you can imagine, to represent a point in two dimensional space you will need two values which represent its location (or coordinate) on a cartesian plane. Vectors are normally dealt with as originating at the origin and ending at a given point.

This is an example of a point.


And a vector from the origin to that point.


The length of the vector from its origin to end point is called the magnitude. This is the formula to calculate a vectors magnitude.


For comprehensive explanation on vectors check out the wikipedia entry.

September 10, 2007

Learn Maths

Filed under: development, math, study — nippysaurus @ 1:58 pm

If you ever intend creating your own game (using those simple game creator applications don’t count) you will most definitely need a strong knowledge of algebra! I am currently taking a maths subject at university and am finding it rather difficult. I have found the site Purplemath which has loads of really good algebra tutorials. You can also pay them to tutor you, but the free material is really quite good.

Here are a few more maths algebra resources to consider:

Also I found the following page helps me keep an overview of everything I have covered thus far.

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